The Solstice marks a turning point, a shift in our manifested and unseen realities, and is the bringer of a heightened awareness in nature and consciousness. Most cultures of the Northern Hemisphere mark Midsummer in some ritualized manner, and in ancient times, the Summer Solstice was a fire-festival of great importance, which ritually honored the sun.
The law of attraction and any sort of magic is well used today, perhaps using affirmation to draw the things you seek into your life. This is also a time for reflection and to turn the page, so look back on the time at the winter solstice. Where were you then in your life? What has happened, month by month, since then? Look at all areas of your life; relationships, family, work, social life. Was it a time of growth, establishment or was it a time when you released something? This year the summer solstice coincide with the full moon in Capricorn the day after. This is a time when the Cosmos is holding and supporting us, when we’re allowed to release anything we’ve been keeping in. So, make a ritual for yourself. First, whatever you don't want to take with you into next cycle, be it feelings, behaviors, people or situations, write it down on a piece of paper and then burn it. Next, light a candle for the things you WANT in your life, write it down and save it somewhere hidden. Magic comes when we surrender into trust. So leave it to the Universe, try not stick your nose into it during the process, and wonders will unfold when and where you least expect. Happy solstice and midsummer. ~ Christine K.H ~
6 sidors reportage om andevärldens roll bakom mitt och Davids möte, samt vår andliga resa separat och tillsammans. Artikeln avslutas med hur en Livet Mellan Liven Regression kan gå till, då reportern själv får uppleva själens resa och hem under hypnos.
Finns i de större tidningsbutikerna, själv köpte jag vårt ex online via Pressbyrån här >>>> Intervju & Artikel: Louise Örvell Foto: Marie-Therese Karlberg
Den 7 Februari var jag inbjuden som gästföreläsare hos Maria Dupal där jag pratade om TransMediumskap och att vara en 'Ambassadör för Andevärlden'. Kvällen handlade också om Karma, Guider och Själens Resa, information som finns i Helig Design - Första Vågen. Maria håller olika online event, mer finner du på hennes hemsida The Spiritual Design, Channeled Teachings, Wave 2, under the section titled Ophelia talks of the 'Power Within' recorded during our April 29, 2018 trance session, gave a glimpse into what now is very much our human reality. If you feel lost or overwhelmed in the chaos and division at this time, feel the greatness of you having the power to be a piece of this change. Eons ahead your soul can say: I WAS THERE - I SAW THE BEGINNING!
Channel=Christine, D=David & O=Ophelia D. What do you feel are the most important messages we can share in this Wave 2? O. To stand out in a crowd, to be fully in the power and understanding of one’s light. To conquer the events and the judgements of others, even though one might feel that one is alone, and to connect individuals who might feel like this. To prepare humanity for changes, to prepare them for what lies ahead. To understand that it is all part of a great evolution, a cycle that comes and goes. To release the chains of where faith lies, to understand your center point and that the biggest access to truth and information is within you. To stop following those who proclaim to possess faith and truth. To question authorities, this is a time when authorities should fall, in every sense and aspect, in EVERY modality, whether it is religious or political, and especially social. The social elite, those who proclaim to know the best way of life, proclaiming to have abundance, proclaiming to have wealth, beauty and so forth. Young beings follow these social elites, even though they might simply post and share information that seems unharmful. However, it actually dilutes and diverts people from finding the abundance within. Certain TV-shows show what abundance is all about, in the same way priests lure off their flock, proclaiming to possess the truth and faith. Don’t neglect the power of the social elite, those who show their wealth in an external way, never focusing on the abundance within them. How many social elite programs or individuals talk about the abundance within them, what they have within, what they are grateful for? They are grateful for the new watch, or the new car, and the young ones follow this. It is a group dynamic that the spirit realm observes, and it is a change of what is considered wealth in this time and age. Fall 2019 our spirit friends said: 'The world is entering a 5 year period of turmoil' but also 'It is as it should be, it is a part of a greater evolution'. This will be in our upcoming book - The Spiritual Design, Wave 3. Bob, our wonderful little spirit friend, often promotes (loudly) the idea of a reboot, something that has occurred in ancient times to adjust karma, direct humanity and increase the connection to spirit. Ophelia however says 'This time change has to come from within', meaning from the incarnated souls in the human body. Ophelia and Bob are two out of several spirit guides delivering teachings in our books 'The Spiritual Design-series’ and 'Notes from the Second Dimension’. Learn more here ~ Christine K.H ~ During 2020, we continued to hold sessions with our spirit friends, although at a diminished pace. They have encouraged us to publicly share their thoughts on various topics, which we will post on our website. We will begin the new year with a reading from Isaac and Jeshua, who are the primary guides for Christine and David, respectively, which was delivered the final day of 2020. They had begun the session by giving specific advice to both of us about how we should prepare for our upcoming work. They gave instructions about meditating on what they call the four pillars of development, part of which is included here.
Channel = Christine, D = David Henrie, I & J = Isaac & Jeshua I&J: Do research on yourself. Close your eyes, remember a feeling. Let the feeling lead you like a bird on wings, and allow it to transform into an understanding of why you felt certain ways. Was it legit? Was someone putting blame on you? Putting blame on others is a terrible thing to do. Ride and investigate the feeling of blame. Understand the impact of being blamed. Understand how an emotion can grow into blame and how it colors the being, the coloring of life. Blame is one. Fear another. Happiness, a third. Ride on the experience of happiness. Blame–fear–happiness–love. Investigate the four, let it take you like a bird, like a hawk, on its back. Investigate it and ride on it. Lead it to your own happiness. Investigate how it impacted your mind, your physical. Where did the physical experience happiness, where was it felt? Where was blame felt? See and investigate those four. Blame, fear, happiness, love are the four pillars of development of man. Investigate them. D. Do you have any general advice that you would like to pass on to the public? I&J. I would like to say to call on your higher mind, call on your higher feelings. Investigate them. Don’t let them (fear, blame and other human emotions) take over your human life. The life you designed prior (to incarnating) might not be what is currently displayed. What we want man to see is beyond the human eyes. To calm, to breath, to understand the four pillars: blame, fear, happiness, love—to investigate that in their lives. Once one identifies whether one is under the spell of fear, blame, happiness or love, it is easier to adjust, and also change how you meet others. Do you put blame or fear in other lives? Meet your own coat. Meet your own karma. See through the intent of others. Wire down media, cut it off if you feel like it is affecting each or any one of these four. What we see now is that fear and blame are more prominent in the human mind. We advise you to calm yourself. We advise you to see that there is nothing to fear. We advise you to not feel blame. It’s also an issue for those who feel happiness or love this year. They don’t want to talk about it because it indicates that it puts a feeling of blame. This year, if someone says, “I’m happy. This has been a great year. I feel the most loved this year.” —no one wants to speak about it because it indicates blame, in some way, due to the fact that you are designed (by the media and governments) this year, or pushed this year, to be on the side of fear and blame. Speak up for happiness. Speak up for the little things you love. But remind man that there is no blame. If you are happy, show happiness. It doesn’t mean to rub your happiness into someone who is grieving, but don’t hide your happiness, don’t hide your love. It is more accepted this year to be under the spell of fear. The tools are blame. D. If there are four pillars, then it would seem two of them, happiness and love, are positive pillars, and the other two-- I&J. Yes. The negative pillars, indeed. So. The equation, you can see vividly on display. Those who are happy, those who see the light—seeing the light meaning that you are love, that you see love, that you radiate love. Darkness is nothing bad, but here on Earth it triggers fear. Grey would indicate blame. Those who are initiating the negative pillars want there to be blame on those who see the light. Learn more about Trance here - Learn more about our books based on Channeled Teachings here ~ Christine K.H ~ (From the Public Trance Demonstration August 23rd, 2020)
Ari, for those who are not familiar with our channeled work, is a spirit from the 10th dimension, a spiritual reality where several councils are operating from. Ari has never walked as a human on Earth but posses great knowledge about the human evolution over eons of time. Channel=Christine, D=David, A=Ari A. This is Ari. D. Hello, Ari. A. How are you? D. Doing well, thank you. A. Busy boy, busy bee. Making great transitions, not only the two of you, but we know that many of mankind are doing changes at this time. What we see is an increasing light, an increasing fire within your spirit—a fire and a need for change. There are certain things where man feels restricted, where man feel they cannot change. However, what certain society organs are failing to see is that you, as a species, inside, are mobilizing your powers. What we see is increasing light on several locations on Earth. Some failing, a little bit, but know that everyone seeks the light individually and in a pace that is beneficial and right for them. You do not need to worry about the general speed, the general development and progress in your society. Everything is unfolding as it should. When transitions take place, whether it is your season from winter to spring, or in this case, the mobilization of your inner spirit, certain experiences are needed to occur. At this time, what is needed is the awakening of your connection to others, your connection to your host, –meaning your planet. What a small group are trying to prevent, hinder, it is backfiring because more and more are getting together in this united fire within. This cannot be stopped by any human force, any media, any establishment based on human interests. Your race is protected. We are seeking the change, we are seeking the improvement of consciousness, before new souls, new level of soul energy, can incarnate. You are on that threshold, where some personality aspects, if you like, will be left behind, in exchange for a more modern car, more modern human body. So do not fear the change. See the change as something new is happening, something that you are here to witness at this time in your incarnating cycle. You have all been here numerous times before, and this is a time to rejoice. It is a time of change. It is not a new phenomena, and it is something that is precious to witness. See the change in your environment, see the change among friends. They cannot distance you with masks or lock-downs. You are connected, regardless. They are trying to separate the physical, failing to recognize that souls, hearts, minds, are connecting underneath their nose. There is nothing they can do about this development. But you need to look beyond the human experience at this time. You need to be in a mindset of welcoming, of being receptive to the new, knowing that when you return in a future incarnation, it is a new era. But in order for the new to take place, you have to sometimes walk through fire. It is a human fire, it is not a soul failure, or a soul trauma. Know that there is no trauma, it is what the establishment is trying to put on you, the human you. Know that they have no power over your inner being, and they see the inner beings connecting, regardless of social distancing, social lock-downs and masks. Ari then continued to talk more about the current situation as well as the real effects of the vaccine. Bob ended the session in his happy-go-lucky kinda way, explaining why this is considered a 'Revolutionary Time’ with ‘Revolutionary Souls’. You can get the full video for the same price as if you'd joined live. Order by email: [email protected] (55 minutes: $15 - 13 Euro - 150 SEK) This was our last public demonstration for a while. Learn more about Trance here - Learn more about our books based on Channeled Teachings here ~ Christine K.H ~ |
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