![]() Theme: Establish a realistic path to your dreams by breaking it down into do-able steps! Taurus, the Zodiac Bull, rules the realms of work and money, security and stability as well as self-worth and possessions. The ruler of Taurus is Venus, the planet of desires, values, beauty and creativity, so we have all that in the mix as well with this New Moon. Our sense of security and values are highly affected with everything going on in the World. This lunar event reminds us of being centered in those needs and to create a safe and loving space within as it will mirror our surrounding. Also, under this influence our thoughts do tend to linger around finances, so it's a good time to brainstorm ways to increase your cash flow or reconstruct your budget. Here are some topics arising with the Taurus Moon: - Be love, create love, everything is energy and you are a battery for what exists on all planes. - Create abundance through self-sufficiency. - Stay in the moment by valuing what presently is available to you. - Bring more sensual pleasures into your life. - Enjoy the feel of a place by embracing its unique beauty. - Bring magic to the mundane. The New Moon comes as a signal of beginnings, or even to start fresh all together if that is what you are seeking. Let this Taurus New Moon stimulate your senses and draw you into the magic of your ordinary world. Breath in the spirit of Taurus, clear your throat and raise your voice for a good cause. ~ Christine K.H ~
![]() Affirmation: Beauty, prosperity and joy are everywhere for me. Key qualities: Stable, luxury-loving, tactile, physical Ruling planet: Venus Today the Solar returns into the Zodiac Bull, Taurus, and ruled by Venus this fixed sign belongs in the element Earth, meaning they are productive with both feet steady on the ground. Due to their ruling planet there´s a natural flair around them of sensuality, regardless of sex. They also have a great appetite for all good things in life and food is definitely one of them. Treats will therefore get you a long way with your Taurus friends and they will gladly return the favor by sharing. Taurus is the sign that revels in the sensuality and the comforts of the material world. These folks are reliable and friendly, creative and hardworking and they are always ready to provide a shoulder to cry on. The back of this coin displays as stubbornness, possessiveness and they do tend to be slightly materialistic and even downright lazy at times. Basically, this is a "what you see is what you get" kind of sign, Drama and surprises are provided by other souls in the Zodiac. Taurus' gift to our ever changeable World is stability and their spiritual purpose includes learning about the pleasures of our physical life. From the joys of nature to the loving companionship of family and friends, the Taurus way is about the basics. Enjoy the sunshine Taurus! ~ Christine K.H ~ ![]() Theme: Balance not juggle As above, so below; as within, so without. Check your habits, relationships and the way you communicate. Where has balance gone askew? Full moons shed light, they reveal, they exaggerate, they keep us up at night and they can bring closure. Today the spotlight is on Libra, urging us all to play fair and to release in a healthy and kind way. In traditional astrology, Libra is said to be the sign of the Sun’s “fall” – meaning, it’s one of the signs in which the Sun’s innate qualities of pride and ego are least able to express themselves. Unlike prideful Leo (ruled by the Sun) and impulsive Aries (sign of the Sun’s exaltation), Libras have the ability to strategically suppress their ego in order to get what they want. Relationship harmony is a major focus of this Libra full moon and it's a time to acknowledge the positive traits in others. Yet, we also need to look at every current relationship we're in, and decide where we stand and whether it's good for us. Questions asked by the Libra moon: - Are you in the right relationship? - Is your relationship harmonious and in balance? - Do you receive equally as you give? - Have you taken on too much to please others? - Do you need to you delegate certain things for your own well-being? The Venus ruled sign, Libra, understands the power of beauty and values, and the ability to delight others with pleasing attributes. Though with Mercury now in retrograde motion, the Libra diplomatic way to communicate might stumble a bit. In general, the message from our solar system is: Pay attention to your thoughts, they are a living life-form just as your words, and they create your surrounding. It's all in the intention. Breath in the spirit of love and harmony, allow it to be one with your true desires and then send it off to the rest of the world, our planet really needs it! ~ Christine K.H ~ ![]() Theme: Changes, Errors, Chaos, Insights, Re-doing and Transformation. As the planet of communication and intellect goes retrograde, misunderstandings, disruptions, breakdowns, and complications are bound to happen. This time Mercury retrogrades through Taurus and Aries, and a key for any solution lies in understanding the Zodiac signs where this little drama takes place. When in the sign of Taurus a shift in values and self-worth is prominent. Taurus also governs banking, so it's wise to delay money matters. Instead use this time to review financial affairs and position yourself for personal growth. Later in the fire sign Aries, frustration is to be expected. Assertive and impulsive Aries wants to move ahead, and all of that energy is now going backward, or from an Aries perspective - nowhere. It's wise to watch what you say and how you say it. Instead pay attention to what people are saying to you, it might be a pleasant surprise. There is however a much deeper and more meaningful purpose to each Mercury retrograde. It is an opportunity to reflect and gain insight as well as revisiting and reconnecting with people, projects, and circumstances from the past. Know, that these periods can be times of heightened inner awareness if we allow them to be. ~ Christine K.H ~ ![]() "What is my true nature and have I visited other places than Earth?" These are frequently asked questions and something I discuss in my lectures about soul evolution and the afterlife. Numerous life-between-life-clients are reporting about incarnations and/or existences elsewhere than on Earth. For some, this may sound like science fiction, but as more and more people experience similar realities, it opens up for questions like: Are we really alone in the Universe? Why are these souls here? What purpose/mission do they have on Earth? All souls, regardless of origin, are in the process of evolution but they seem to gain it differently. During hypnosis, three soul types seem to emerge. We will refer to them here as the Earth-soul, ET-soul and Star-soul, and even if they obviously are all here, their nature differ slightly. What signifies an Earth-soul is that they gain their evolution through repetitive lives on Earth, whereas ET-souls gain their evolution on none-earth-based locations. Earth-souls feel right at home, they are friendly and often show an interest in environmental topics and social change. ET-souls mention visiting either dimensions without physical forms or solid planets in different galaxies and during these sessions a variety of cosmic and intergalactic knowledge is reported. ET-souls often feel quite out of place on Earth, some struggle coping to connect with people and earthly demands. Many ET-societies operate from a more intellectual and organized perspective and they can even lack emotional attachments, hence many tend to be more connected to progress and their assignment here. Science, theology and education are some fields they seem to operate within. The Star-soul, operates somewhere in between and seem to gain their evolution both through lives on Earth as well as within other star systems. This soul share some similarities with the ET-soul, yet displays a more emphatic nature. Several energy workers and healers seem to belong in this category. Each of these so called soul types return to their spiritual home base after a life has been completed. As the therapist, a cardinal rule is to remain open to all possibilities and to simply ask open-ended questions in order to bypass the conscious mind. Learn more about between lives soul regression, here ~ Christine K.H ~ |
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January 2025