The January 31st Lunar (Full moon) Eclipse in Leo represents the opening of a new gateway and a starting point into the energies of 2018. Eclipses act like doorways into different energy paths, and are powerful enough to transform, shift and change the direction and flow of your life. With the Sun in Leo vs the Moon in Aquarius, it urges us to find balance between self-promotion (Leo) and team-work (Aquarius). Leo radiates vitality, warmth, joy and sense of healthy identification with the ego. The self is always very present but how to be unique an still belong in a larger group striving for the same high ideals? That´s the topic of the day, as personal Leo debates the trans-personal Aquarius. Other things touched by the Leo full moon are: courage, issues of love, how we are creative and the risks we are taking in life. We are all regal in our own individual ways but where do YOU reign supreme? Lift the curtain: It’s officially showtime, as the Leo full moon wants us to flaunt our talents like today was a cosmic cabaret. Burst onto the world stage in the most glamorous way possible. Luxurious Leo loves when we sparkle, flash, and drip in conflict-free diamonds. After all, this is the sign that rules pleasure, indulgence, and full-bodied self-expression. This lunar event sure is a bringer of confidence and glorious rewards for those who follow that torch. Whatever is shaking you up and whatever stops you in your familiar tracks, embrace it because it could be the ultimate gift from the Universe directing you to happiness and divine inspiration. Choose love, create it, uncover the truth of what makes you happy and connect with that source of happiness. ~ Christine K.H ~
Whenever we are surrounded by the Capricorn energy we get productive, we stand tall and simply start moving towards our goals. However, sometimes in life we might know what those goals really are, and if that's the case then today use this very organized influence to start making a plan.
Capricorn isn’t a fast moving sign, these folks get better with age. Its cardinal modality encourages action and the utility of its resources, but the actions that Capricorns take are best appreciated by the kind of perspective that only time can grant us. Capricorn’s ruler, Saturn, teaches through restraint, discipline, work and repeated effort, regardless of reward. Saturn teaches us maturity, and maturity knows that it is responsible for its own happiness and isn’t willing to risk long term-term success for instant gratification. With this lunar event, ponder where your true talents lie.
In the end, the Capricorn moon is about knowing what situations will create most harmony for you in the long run. So, take a little time and see what aspirations have been lit up, gather information needed and use the earthly empowerment to fulfill your destined potential. Enjoy the magic, and tap into your own sense of ambition in order to get clear over what you want to achieve in 2018. ~ Christine K.H ~ The latest wisdom from our Spirit team, which came through a public channeled seance in Colorado, January 4th 2018. The main messages were personal and delivered to our sitters, but here are some general information shared during the evening. D: David asking the questions Z: Zachariah B: Bob O: Ophelia ( The Spirit team ) Z. Good evening, this is Zachariah. D. Hello, Zachariah. Z. Long time no see! D. Indeed, we’ve missed you. Z. Well, we always communicate, even though you don’t hear me with your physical ears. Always present. What we would like to discuss tonight has to do with the progress of humanity, and the group consciousness. This is a crucial development, and we see there is both turmoil as well as light. Those of you who walk on the path of enlightenment will help others to understand the difference. Illusion is a veil put over your consciousness at this time. However, you are constantly supported and guided from the highest source. At this point, we ask of you to help and guide others who lack the ability to see the light in darkness. Know that neither can exist without the other. Darkness is nothing bad, necessarily, but is in a way put in your consciousness, like good and bad. From a spirit realm those polarities do not exist. As you develop your inner capacity and strength, you will find your purpose for not only this incarnation, but also the patterns from the past that you can unfold, gifts. My friend (Speaking to a person in the group, although the message applies to all), why are you afraid of your powers? You have such strength within you, my child. Do not fear the darkness within, for within that darkness lies your own wisdom and truth, your strength. Embrace it and you will see that there is no fear, only light and strength. You are sent to teach, but first you have to teach yourself. You have to experience the abyss within you, which at this point you see as dark. Dive in and you will find the diamond that is here to teach you your soul purpose. Do not fear, you are stronger than you think. The only barrier is an illusion of fear. This is residual energy from a past life when you were betrayed. That is not the pattern for you this lifetime, it has already started, but you have to master your own inner capacity. By doing so, you will help others who share your strong energy. Do not fear to dive into your own source, there is nothing there but light and wisdom. You have support from higher levels. I will not tell you who they are, but they are a gift sent to you, side-by-side, you are equals. You, here on Earth, they, in spirit realm. One incarnate, two guide. You will know more. Thank you. B. (Bob came in, laughing, and then gave encouragement for people to leaving the safety and security of groups and follow their own path) D. Welcome back. B. I’m back! I’m never far off, you know. Huh huh. Oh, let’s see here. Zachariah came first today. He’s an intelligent one, he talks about all sorts of things, BUT, I’m intelligent too, even though I’m smaller. SO, what I wanna talk about is, a little bit about the way that you learn, I must say. SO, from the beginning, when you are a teeny, tiny sparkle (a newly created spirit), you don’t know that much. None of you here are sparkles, so you will not necessarily comprehend what I’m trying to say, BUT, you all begin by feeling comfort in big groups. Group consciousness is to align with others, and that is not necessarily what everyone is doing at the moment. BUT, in this little union here (referring to all of us in the room during the trance channeling), you have already found that connecting point, so to speak. So, that is what we teach the sparkles, we teach them to somewhat align with others, but they still need to learn how to operate independently. SO, what I’m saying with that is that it might feel comfortable to be in a big group, or even like a cluster group of four or five, BUT, eventually you will have to go out and follow your own trail, so to speak, create your own footsteps, because that is what you’re here to do, although in the beginning it might feel better to do it in a group, and that is the same with the sparkles. Ophelia says (she passed him a thought bubble as he was talking) that it is the same way all over the place; in sparkle school, in her schools, and here on Earth, that you have to somewhat break free from being in the safety of friends, sometimes, and that can be scary. It was scary even for me, when I started to go to Earth and I had to learn how to blend and merge and so forth with trees and plants, because it’s different and it’s new, and everything that is new is somewhat, at times, considered a little bit scary. So, with that, when you start to progress, and that’s what we teach the sparkles, that you have to somewhat let go of what is, ah, like a safety blankie, or a teddy bear, it’s the same thing, you have to learn how to operate from your own capacity. And in this case, this group, you have such a variety and wide spread of skill sets, so you are bound to work independently. So with that, you can sometimes feel lonely, just because it’s new. But a soul that has come down to leave a specific footprint, then that one normally has to throw one’s self out, without knowing you have a parachute, and do it oneself. So, in this group there are a lot of you that will have to do that, to throw yourself out with a parachute. But it’s not like it’s not gonna unfold, because it always does, but it might feel at first that like flying out of an airplane and not knowing that the parachute will unfold, but just know that it will. (He then began speaking to individuals and offering his thoughts on different topics) O. Good Evening, this is Ophelia. We thank you all for joining us this evening, and for participating in this project called “Earth”, because it is a project, nothing more, yet highly observed. You should know that there are cycles where group consciousness and humanity wander. This is the third time you stumble upon lessons and struggles, third time (Ophelia means this is the third cycle of human life forms, the first two having been removed from Earth). This wave lasts a little bit longer. The fact of the polarity between groups is somewhat disturbing. You are all the same, yet you treat others with lack of empathy. The empathy is lacking because man does not understand, does not remember that you all come from the same source, you simply take on a shape to act in this grand drama on Earth. You have been here longer than others in your community, or even those you encounter during your day at work. Understand that we all travel in our evolution, and that you have the ability to help to grow and expand, and to assist, those who are children on this level. Spreading light means to sometimes stand back and let another soul evolve in its own pace. Sometimes that can be difficult, especially if it is someone close to you, then you might feel the need to rush and assist. Sometimes that is not in ones’ best favor. The greatest teachers allow their children to fly independently, knowing that even though they might fall, there is still protection underneath. No one here on Earth is ever unsafe, you are all protected, yet you need to understand that being a teacher and helping others is also sometimes to take a step back. From the spirit realm we observe this as lights, we see certain areas on the globe with more light than others. That doesn’t mean good or bad, it simply means that you have brought in more of an awareness from your soul home, and you remember more. Others navigate in blind. You can imagine how stressful a situation can be if you are blind. If you see those who act with a lack of empathy, know that they are navigating in blind. Don’t judge, you are all from the same source, you simply learn in a different pace. Allow yourself to fully blossom, find your skills, find the path that makes you shine. If you are on a path that doesn’t resonate with who you are within, then simply take a step aside. The greatest strength comes from choice, enlightenment comes by understanding sometimes you are on a wrong path, to take a step aside and continue, and create a new path. Sometimes, there is no path before you, and you have to create one for others. Hmm. Don’t expect to always find highways, sometimes you need to create your trail, and it might be that it is just for you. Learn more about our Spirit guides, and hear them speaking here First day of the year and with a full moon, the message is clear; Release what no longer serve you from 2017 and move forward!
As the full in Cancer arrives, it brings forth our sensitive, sentimental selves with a focus on families, intimacy and how we care for others. All full moons direct us to address any imbalances between the two signs involved, and today the attention is on private affairs (Cancer) and the public eye (Capricorn). The Cancer moon will remind us that there are all kinds of ways to be successful, and not all of them can be measured with a calculator or with how many photos or likes we have on social media. Family, community, and tradition are the soul-nourishing realm of Cancer, the essential counterpart to Capricorn’s desire for worldly achievement. When the water energy dominates the sky and especially through Cancer, it is a time to give rather than to receive, to let go of squabbles and emotional hurt and to reach out and come together with people around you. Other things to reflect upon:
This domestic goddess of a full moon also reminds us that cleaning our homes can clear our minds. So, begin with one area and give it an extreme makeover. Clear everything away then reset it with mindful care. Less is more, so be selective about the “collection” you display. Breath in the spirit of Cancer and bright blessings for the new year! ~ Christine K.H ~ |
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January 2025