![]() Theme: Pause, reflect, re-calibrate. With all new moons we seek new beginnings and today the focus lies on: communication and our negotiation skills, teamwork and cooperation but also how we balance life in general. The Libra energy is quick, curious and it wants to learn. This is the diplomat in the zodiac, practicing listening as well as speaking and telling us to slow down, check in and think before we act. So, bring this into your communication and let that be your point of growth. Libra rules the zodiac’s seventh house of committed partnerships and under this lunar influence the need to improve where you are at is strong. Even if you're not in a relationship you still may feel a sudden urge to merge, or at least to find a little more companionship in your life. Questions raised with this new moon: - Do you want to improve your communication skills and how? - What would you like to empower or manifest in your relationships? - How can you be the balance you want to see in the World? The Libra moon reminds us to be grateful, to appreciate the beauty around us, to balance the masculine and feminine qualities and to put high ideals into practice. It also teaches us to mediate in refined ways, to play fair and to erase differences between people by finding terms that work for everyone. Enjoy the magic given by Libra! ~ Christine K.H ~
![]() This is a short extract from a between lives soul regression recently made in Stockholm, Sweden. I am sharing some sessions for education purposes and to hopefully awaken a curiosity about the spirit realm. It’s also about gaining an understanding that we all have the tools available to grow in our own power when we accept and welcome our soul to speak. No names will be reveled unless approved by the clients. The client (Elisabeth) is a friend and colleague of mine, a spiritual teacher who was longing for more insight about her life purpose. It turned out that I was clearly working with a hybrid soul, this is her journey. T: Tine C: Client Crossing from past life into the spirit realm: C: So I have left the past life and I feel like I’ve come to a place somewhere in the Universe. There I meet my dad (from this life) and I feel that he is my guide who meets me and helps me to loosen my auras that I have around my physical body. It's like my soul energy is going to step out of the auras of the previous life, as if they belong to the physical life and they need to be disconnected for me to be pure soul energy. What surprises me is that my soul energy has a rip in it. I thought that the ailments and diseases, and what we experienced in our lives just got stuck in the physical body but apparently we can get wounds on a deep soul level too. My dad (the guide) then heals it by moving his hands over the rip, he simply heals my soul energy. Meeting the Council: T: Do you ever meet a Council of wise beings between incarnations? C: Yes T: Do you typically go alone to this Council or does someone go with you? C: Usually it's my dad (the guide) who follows. T: What core soul color do the Council members have? C: The far left has very bright yellow almost white, gold soul color, very light but yellow. Second from the left, lime green soul color. He in the middle has a bright blue color, the next silver and the one far to the right red. Dad is light blue. T: And if I had a mirror toward you, tell me - what core soul color are you radiating? C: Purple, darker purple. It will brighten the more I’m lifted from the old energies in the former life. I'm still in a transformation phase. T: What percentage of your soul energy did you bring into your present life? C: 58 T: Do the Council members have anything to say to you? C: He, the leader, just laughs. I have done a good job. I'll be proud. He's very excited. Lots of love. They are proud and now the work continues. T: Is there anyone in the Council, who has a certain expertise or special interest in relation to your own interests? C: The first two from the left, they can send energy. They can replenish energy. Send energy, drawing energy. I'll remember to get energy. T: Is there anything he has to say about your present life? C: Yes I go too fast forward, both energetically and in everything I do. I go too fast. I have to slow down. I can’t do everything at once. Have to wait for the right time. T: What is Elisabeth's life purpose is in this life? C: She must first of all be happy, life should be fun. She will also help others to understand their energies and how to balance their energies, to work more with themselves and to come into equilibrium in their energies. Spreading joy. Get people to understand that they're psychic, teach about the spirit realm. T: What is your main task when not incarnated? C: I take care of new arrivals and teach them about how it is to be on Earth. I receive those who come back from Earth and gather their experiences and knowledge. Hybrid soul and incarnations: T: How would you describe your spiritual home if I came to visit? C: I have no home, I’m everywhere!! Well, yes when I'm in this Universe, it is the Pleiades. Yes that’s home of course. It's like a small palace with a large green garden. Much stone and marble. I can go into this palace with huge rooms and halls, where there’s ongoing spiritual development. Souls can meet their guides here. You can also work with creating energy plants and crystalline energies to develop crystals, it is like a crystal workshop or industry you might say. We do research and we try to balance the crystals so that you can take them down to Earth. The crystals which belongs here (the Pleiades) carry too strong energies so they need to be transformed down to energies that can be of assistance on Earth. T: When was your first life on Earth? C: I have gone back on forth. It was on Atlantis. I was both there and up here so I do not know if it can be considered as being on Earth. I was sent as an alien observer. I do not know if you could call it life on Earth, but it was the first time I was on Earth. T: Have you ever taken an incarnation on a different physical world or in another dimension? C: Yes, though it was hard. I have almost forgotten. It was dark. T: Why was it dark and what did you do there? C: I was on a planet to light it. I have worked a lot with energy and a planet had “slipped out” of its system, one might say. You can’t really explain. It's not quite as viewed from Earth in regard of planetary systems. I practiced to bring the planet energies in balance. We were several who worked on the planet's depth to ignite it and cause it to roll around to get the energies in balance. It was about activating the planet's chemical elements to enhance the energies and strengthen the connections between atoms, protons and electrons and to get them to cooperate. T: Is the planet in our own Milky Way galaxy? C: No, it is in a different Universe quite far away. Though not really too far away. They are on different degrees in different dimensions but they are also parallel. Not all is linear. T: Does it still exist? C: Yes it still exists. It is very large and radiates energy, you could say that it’s like your sun. T: Are there living beings on the planet today? C: No, it just radiates energy. It was never people there besides us who were there and worked to get it running. It only needed to understand its position in its own system but it had components similar to Earth, that’s why it was highly valuable to practice on. T: If this place is now a sun, does it have planets orbiting it? C: Yes it has small planets around it where there is life. Life and body selection: T: How are you notified it’s time to reincarnate and who tells you? C: There is a calling from my Council and then through my guide I can influence it. I can also telepathically send out a request. Though lately, I have not wanted to go. I think I can do more good by teaching others here in the spirit realm. I've also had a number of rough lives on Earth which was a bit difficult to get over. A little sadness when people don’t understand or don’t want to understand about love and their psychic abilities and the spirit world. T: When a life is to be selected, how do you choose an incarnation? C: Yes, I get options. I’ll say that the Council points out geographically what place on Earth I'm going to and then I can decide the details in terms of man or woman and so on. However, in this life the Council thought I should be a woman as women have greater ability to convey things. I wanted to be a man but it really doesn’t matter whether I am man or woman, my purpose is to make people understand love. To learn more about between lives soul regression, click here ~ Christine K.H ~ ![]() Affirmation: My environment is always tranquil and serene Key qualities: Balanced, fair-minded, intellectual, artistic, romantic Ruling planet: Venus The sun has set in Virgo and as of today its rays light up the Zodiac diplomat, Libra. Libra is a cardinal sign who belongs to the element air, meaning they are social and talkative souls with plenty of things going on. Kudos to their ruling planet, these people are generally charming and romantic with a glow of elegance surrounding them regardless of sex. They are friendly, idealistic, adaptable and quite easygoing with a clear and perceptive intellect that is attuned with making fair judgments and logical choices. Libras are not only skilled debaters, they are also very creative. They love beauty in all shapes and forms and can be wonderful at motivating others to make social and environmental improvements. Their struggle lies with obscurity, turning their sails by the wind and they can even be temperamental at times even though it rarely causes any harm. Yet, this is the sign guided by their sensual minds, promoting fairness and harmony for all by teaching us to avoid conflicts in order to reach solutions. Their spiritual purpose is to bless the world with beauty and the pleasant interchange of ideas, a gift directing us to the higher realms of thought and inspiration. Enjoy the sunshine Libra! ~ Christine K.H ~ ![]() Full Moons bring us awareness of what has been hidden from our ego consciousness and combined with an eclipse, we will probably witness swirling emotions over the ordinary. All full moons influence relationships due to the polarity between the male energy represented by the sun and the female one from the moon. With the sun in Virgo expressing healing vs the moon in Pisces linked to our intuition, the Universe directs us to find balance between our physical (Virgo) and our spiritual health (Pisces). Today, as retrograde Mercury in Virgo is still ongoing we will be asked to take a step back out of our heads and into our hearts. Pisces people are in tuned with the whole, the inner and outer cosmos, and they follow these currencies in all their actions in life. Virgos on the other hand are grounded and a bit critical, the blend of these opposite energies can be confusing yet carries the potential to create our dreams in the here and now. This beautiful spiritual full moon calls us to connect with the deepest part of our soul and to remember that there's more to life than what meets the eye. For instance; what is it about synchronicity? Is it fact or fiction? Why is it that some people can find meaning in some events and some people are skeptical to a large degree of anything related to synchronicity? This lunar event is also about releasing what no longer serves us and to use compassion instead of judgement. For Pisces, forgiveness means to release, so work with this full moon to let go of grudges or pain, especially emotional ones. Enjoy the magic given by Pisces! ~ Christine K.H ~ ![]() With every new moon we begin fresh or start over in life, this time the new moon is also an eclipse which means it's like a turbo new moon. Today the Universe directs us to the areas ruled by Virgo: physical health, diet, exercise, daily routines, work and being efficient, organized and helpful. If you struggle with an inner need for perfection, or the lack of it, then this moon will highlight that as well. The ruler of the Zodiac virgin is Mercury, so we also need to look at our communication and mental health in general. At the same time, Mercury just went retrograde in Virgo, meaning we're also under the spell of constant thinking, calculating and questioning. Our Virgo friends are known for paying great attention to details with a tendency to be excessively picky or critical. The greatest advice today is therefore to silent the mind by imagining new ways to improve. On one hand, discipline, routines and setting goals rule the day. On the other hand, the energy surrounding us is about healing, solitude, gratefulness and to give to others. Virgo wants to perfect, complete and integrate, meaning we work on wholeness by unifying everything we learned this year to create a new cycle. For those of you practicing healing, today's moon will increase those energies with an opportunity for renewal and enhancement. Enjoy the magic given by Virgo! ~ Christine K.H ~ |
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January 2025