Take your book and listen to the teachings from spirit!
Bob "'Shooting of balls of learning", page 213 in Notes from the Second Dimension. Bob belongs in the 2nd dimension, a spiritual reality closest to our 3D world and could be considered a nature spirit. These friendly spiritual beings do no not incarnate but can blend with our pets to assist us humans through life.
Ia on New Souls, page 33 in Notes from the Second Dimension Ia as Bob, belongs in the 2nd dimension, a spiritual reality closest to our 3D world and could be considered a nature spirit. These friendly spiritual beings do no not incarnate but can blend with our pets to assist us humans through life.
Bob on Tending to Sparkles, page 38 in Notes from the Second Dimension. Bob belongs in the 2nd dimension, a spiritual reality closest to our 3D world and could be considered a nature spirit. These friendly spiritual beings do no not incarnate but can blend with our pets to assist us humans through life.
Bob on Atmosphere, page 140-143 in Wave 2 Bob belongs in the 2nd dimension, a spiritual reality closest to our 3D world and could be considered a nature spirit. These friendly spiritual beings do no not incarnate but can blend with our pets to assist us humans through life.
Zachariah on Reincarnation, page 102-104 in Wave 1 Zachariah belongs in the 9th dimension but occupies a lot of time in the library on the 5th. Known as the 'Ambassador of Knowledge'.
Zachariah on Craters and Pebbles, page 75-77 in Wave 1 Zachariah belongs in the 9th dimension but occupies a lot of time in the library on the 5th. Known as the 'Ambassador of Knowledge'.
Ophelia on the 4th Dimension, page 84-85 in Wave 1 Ophelia is the main control and organizer of all sessions. She belongs in the 7th dimension, an angelic reality of light.
Ophelia on Soul Purpose page 275-279 in Wave 2 Ophelia is the main control and organizer of all sessions. She belongs in the 7th dimension, an angelic reality of light.
Ophelia on Groups, page 263-264 in Wave 2 Ophelia is the main control and organizer of all sessions. She belongs in the 7th dimension, an angelic reality of light.
Jeshua on the soul of Jesus, page 159-161 in Wave 1 Jeshua is Davids main spirit guide, he belongs in the 9th dimension and has never incarnated on Earth.
Jeshua on Soul Needs, page 340-343 in Wave 2 Jeshua is Davids main spirit guide, he belongs in the 9th dimension and has never incarnated on Earth.
Public seance in Stockholm, August of 2017
Ophelia on the effects of overusing technology and energy. (Only days after this session was held, numerous heartbreaking events took place in the Caribbean, Mexico and in Florida. Signs that something clearly has to change in the way we act and treat our planet).
Bobgives health advice and how he wishes to be known to us humans.
Zachariah talks about the illusion of fear.
More messages from our spirit team in the Blog "Raising consciousnesses" here