In Sagittarius, the planet of communication is once more in backspin, creating confusion, delays and overall errors. But not only.
Some blame Mercury retrograde for all the chaos that happens in their lives. However, this is a good time to take a step back and review - reanalyze who you are and re-do - rearrange where you're going and what you put your energy toward. When our planet of communication moves forward again, there is a short “shadow period” of adjustment. Here is when Mercury says: Don’t rush. Let any miscommunication work itself out. Be prepared for electronic kinks to get resolved. Use your energy towards intelligent changes. So, take a moment to reflect, but do refrain from making any drastic changes until the phase has ended. Mutable signs will feel this the most and on a deeper level. ~ Christine K.H ~
Re-boot, Re-consider, Re-group
Mercury is now in backward mode and in the sign it rules - Virgo! During the entirety of Mercury retrograde, schedules are jumbled, and relations are fumbled. We may say the wrong thing at the wrong moment and /or may find our most important plans foiled by misunderstandings. However, Mercury retrograde brings important opportunities for adjustment and adaptation. So, open your intuition to receive whatever messages Mercury will provide regarding shifts in storylines or thought patterns gone stale. Remember, the key is to embrace being in between states of mind and accept the fluidity of life rather than resisting change. If you have personal planets or points in any of the four mutable signs, Virgo-Pisces-Gemini-Sagittarius, you will feel this reversed energy the most. Interested in understanding your own personal map (horoscope)? Astrological consultations in Swedish and English are available on Zoom. English see here - Swedish see here We are heading into an interesting weekend, as Mercury goes astray (retrograde) together with another full moon.
In Astrology, the planet Mercury involves how we perceive, interpret, and communicate information, yet the quality of its symbolic meaning varies depending on its path in the heavens above. Instead of moving fast and direct like usual, Mercury now shifts into a slower speed and then in backwards motion through the zodiac. Although the word 'retrograde' stems from the Latin meaning 'to go backward,' it's important to note that no planets move backward, they only appear to do so, owing to our Earth-bound perspective. During the entirety of Mercury retrograde, schedules are jumbled, and relations are fumbled; we say the wrong thing at the wrong moment and can find our most important plans foiled by misunderstandings. However, Mercury retrograde brings important opportunities for adjustment and adaptation. So, open your intuition to receive whatever messages Mercury will provide regarding shifts in story-lines or thought patterns gone stale. Remember, the key is to embrace being in between states of mind and to accept the fluidity of life rather than resisting change. ~Christine K.H Take a Moment to Reflect
Some blame Mercury retrograde for all chaos that happens in their lives. However, this is a good time to sit back and review what you put your energy toward. This time Mercury retrogrades through AQUARIUS and when in Aquarius, the general level-headed perspective known to this sign might be hard to find. Rational thinking is possible, though you will have to work a great deal more in order to draw an accurate logical conclusion. Mercury retrograde can make us feel like progress is coming to a halt. Example: Having to depend on other people (like the IT guy) to finish their job before you can restart yours is excruciating. Especially if you're used to taking the reins and doing it yourself. The key to success is to accept not always being in control, finding some zen as you press reset. So take a moment to reflect. Mercury retrograde can be an excellent time to take a step back and reanalyze who you are and what you are doing—but do refrain from making any drastic changes until after retrograde has ended. ~Christine K.H Brace yourself, Mercury the planet of communication and intellect goes retrograde again, and misunderstandings, disruptions, breakdowns, and complications are bound to come your way.
This time Mercury retrogrades through PISCES and AQUARIUS. When in intuitive Pisces we become slightly dreamy and conversations may drift into strange and surreal territory. Facts could be hard to hold on to and your memory may be less dependable than normal. Also, intellectual debates could be difficult now, as you may have a hard time defending your views. This is not the best influence for composing lengthy strategies, in fact, any tasks that requires detailed evaluation should probably best be left alone until a later time. The last 6 days Mercury retrogrades through inventive Aquarius, and the general level-headed perspective known to this sign might be hard to find. Rational thinking is possible, though you will have to work a great deal more in order to draw an accurate logical conclusion. You’ll likely find that contradictions arise, which can challenge your perception of how things really are. On a deeper level, these weeks offer the opportunity to reflect and gain insight as well as revisiting and reconnecting with people, projects, and circumstances from the past. Overall, that's the gift of Mercury retrograde! ~ Christine K.H ~ When Mercury is retrograde, technology, travel, logic and communication all get disrupted. Knowing the true meaning of the retrograde journey, the dates and how long it lasts can help you deal with astrology’s most nerve-wracking event.
As the planet of communication and intellect goes retrograde, misunderstandings, disruptions, breakdowns, and complications are bound to happen. But the actual meaning of Mercury retrograde isn’t just some run of bad luck. It’s astrology’s way of forcing us to review, recheck and revisit. This time Mercury retrogrades through Scorpio, and when in this intense water sign it can test you in the deepest regions of intimacy, whether the intimacy in question is emotional, sexual or financial. This transit can reveal fatal flaws in a relationship, and sexual intimacy can either deepen or die. Remember, there's nothing in the grey zone with Scorpio. Scorpios are all about uncovering what is hidden, and with Mercury being linked to how we seek and gain information, it’s possible to get caught up in accessing that understanding to the point of obsession. There is however a much deeper and more meaningful purpose to each Mercury retrograde. It is an opportunity to reflect and gain insight as well as revisiting and reconnecting with people, projects, and circumstances from the past. So, try to bring warmth, affection and a genuine curiosity to your conversations and dealings with others, then you will manage these weeks just fine! ~ Christine K.H ~ It's that time again when we brace ourselves for any error in communication, information, travels and technology, and knowing when these periods take place can help you to plan projects in advance in order to stay on-track.
This time Mercury retrogrades in Leo and Cancer, and when retrograding in Leo it can trigger passionate displays of expression that are sure to cause reactions from you and from others. Leo is a fire sign, and during this period you are apt to say what you feel without a great deal of discretion. Willpower is strong but there's a thin line to being aggressive and pushy. So instead, internalize your strength and passion, and release it through artistic mediums such as painting, writing, or music, but be careful with your spending habits at this time. Between July 21 - August 2, Mercury retrogrades through the home-loving sign of Cancer, and even though you may not be particularly talkative now, you may feel a great deal on a more sensitive or emotional level. What could happen at this time is that you become a bit touchy about subjects in your conversations and dealings with others, which can lead you to retreat from social gatherings. A key to solution; Use this period for more 'hands-on-projects' in your home, or be around family, but avoid signing contracts on a new house. At the end of the day, Mercury retrograde has a bit of a bad rep, but it's actually a very good time to get in touch with your own thoughts and progress. It's all in the power of mind! ~ Christine K.H ~ ![]() As the planet of communication and intellect goes retrograde, ~ Christine K.H ~misunderstandings, disruptions, breakdowns, and complications are bound to happen. This time Mercury retrogrades through Pisces, and a key for any solution lies in understanding the Zodiac signs where this little drama takes place. When in the sign of Pisces a shift in our emotions and soul awareness is prominent. The retrograde Mercury in Pisces is not the best influence for composing lengthy strategies, nor is it a great time to read up on the latest tax laws for the coming year. In fact, any task that requires detailed evaluation should probably best be left alone until a later time. Whenever we fall under the spell of Pisces we become slightly dreamy, which makes us just want to stare off into space for hours on end. So be aware that during this retrograde period, conversations may have a way of drifting into strange and surreal territory. Facts could be hard to hold on to and your memory may be less dependable than normal. To sum up, this might not be the time to engage in any intellectual debates, for you may have a hard time defending your views. There is however a much deeper and more meaningful purpose to each Mercury retrograde. It is an opportunity to reflect and gain insight as well as revisiting and reconnecting with people, projects, and circumstances from the past. Know, that these periods can be times of heightened inner awareness and creativity if we allow them to be, not just errors. ~ Christine K.H ~ Sorry but Mercury retrograde is back! November 16 - December 6, marks the third and final Mercury retrograde cycle of the year. It occurs in the fire sign, Sagittarius, and will be felt the strongest by the mutable signs - Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces.
As with all Mercury retrogrades, you need to watch out for the standard issues around miscommunications, travel delays, technology errors, and unplanned events disrupting your schedule. The part of travel delays is especially true when Mercury retrogrades in Sagittarius, the sign of big travels, adventures and explorations. The largest communication problems you are likely to face will stem from Sagittarius’ tendency to speak first and ask questions later. With this fiery energy flying around, a key is to choose your words carefully. Sagittarius is prone to overreact and fly off the handle, and when everyone feels that way, there can be a ton of drama firing off from all directions. On a good note, this is an excellent time to discern yours beliefs, to speak your truth and defend your beliefs unapologetically, even if it means ending relationships and cutting off loose ends in the process. Growing with Mercury retrograde means to expand your communication within and to wisely choose the words you say, so that you can stand by them after this period is over! ~ Christine K.H ~ About Mercury retrograde and its phases:
Mercury goes retrograde 3 times every year. As it slows down before the retrograde period, we call it the pre-retrograde phase, a time when the planet starts losing power. Then there is the post-retrograde one, when Mercury picks up speed but is still moving slowly enough to cause a lazy progress in the projects undertaken. During the actual Mercury retrograde period it is best advised not to venture into any new territory and to stay put. Knowing when these periods take place can help you to plan projects in advance in order to stay on-track. This time Mercury retrogrades in Aries, the first fiery spark in the zodiac so mental discipline is a must during these weeks to avoid any boiling conflicts. The mind goes into an swaying mode and there can be a tendency to jump into conclusions without any forewarning or thought. There can be temper outbursts and nervous disorders, so again - practice mindfulness is key. Mercury rules over all types of communication, whether it is writing, speaking, reading, social media interactions, communication technology, or any other method of transmitting information. It also rules transportation and travels, and during Mercury retrograde periods, there are more noticeable disruptions, breakdowns, and complications within all of these areas. Aries is super to-the-point and when communication goes wack it can be an uncomfortable experience for everyone. To avoid frustrations, try to listen to others and communicate more thoroughly instead of getting angry. On a good note, these periods favors inner reflection and planning. It's a time to understand the power of thought and how they manifest for good or bad. As Aries is all about physical strength and high energy, it's also about learning how to manage your own resources for a more balanced life. Enjoy the ride with Mercury and Aries! ~ Christine K.H ~ |
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