Full moons shed light, they reveal, they exaggerate, they keep us up at night and they can bring closure. Today the spotlight is on Libra, urging us all to play fair, find balance and to release in a healthy and kind way. The Venus ruled sign, Libra, understands the power of beauty and values, and the ability to delight others with pleasing attributes. Libra is an air sign in the cardinal modality, highlighting our minds and communication. So, pay extra attention to your thoughts today, they are a living life-form just as your words, and they create your surrounding. It's all in the intention.
Relationship harmony is a major focus of this Libra full moon and will bring up some considerations around our partnerships and social life. During this time, however, we need to become more aligned with what is important to us as individuals and see how we can incorporate that into our relationships to create more balance. Questions asked by the Libra moon:
Check your habits, relationships and the way you communicate. Where has balance gone askew? Breath in the Libran spirit of love and harmony, allow it to be one with your true desires and then send it off to the rest of the world, our planet really needs it. Happy Easter! ~ Christine K.H ~
About Mercury retrograde and its phases:
Mercury goes retrograde 3 times every year. As it slows down before the retrograde period, we call it the pre-retrograde phase, a time when the planet starts losing power. Then there is the post-retrograde one, when Mercury picks up speed but is still moving slowly enough to cause a lazy progress in the projects undertaken. During the actual Mercury retrograde period it is best advised not to venture into any new territory and to stay put. Knowing when these periods take place can help you to plan projects in advance in order to stay on-track. This time Mercury retrogrades in Aries, the first fiery spark in the zodiac so mental discipline is a must during these weeks to avoid any boiling conflicts. The mind goes into an swaying mode and there can be a tendency to jump into conclusions without any forewarning or thought. There can be temper outbursts and nervous disorders, so again - practice mindfulness is key. Mercury rules over all types of communication, whether it is writing, speaking, reading, social media interactions, communication technology, or any other method of transmitting information. It also rules transportation and travels, and during Mercury retrograde periods, there are more noticeable disruptions, breakdowns, and complications within all of these areas. Aries is super to-the-point and when communication goes wack it can be an uncomfortable experience for everyone. To avoid frustrations, try to listen to others and communicate more thoroughly instead of getting angry. On a good note, these periods favors inner reflection and planning. It's a time to understand the power of thought and how they manifest for good or bad. As Aries is all about physical strength and high energy, it's also about learning how to manage your own resources for a more balanced life. Enjoy the ride with Mercury and Aries! ~ Christine K.H ~ The new moon in Pisces is a good time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign. Perhaps take a leap of faith— or believe in something that you always wanted to believe in, but were too afraid to put your trust into.
Start a creative, imaginative projector consciously try to put aside time for peaceful, rejuvenating activities which can include yoga or meditation. Being the Zodiac’s twelfth and final sign, Pisces is associated with reincarnation and the afterlife with a strong connection to the other side. This new moon brings those questions to light:
While Pisces rules the oceans and seas, this lunar event will also put a spotlight on the need to protect and share our planet’s water. As you travel through the vibration of compassion, healing and higher sensibilities, dream of what you want to see in your life and in the World. Then, breath in the spirit of Pisces and act from your highest source. For personal information, look at your birth horoscope for planets and points around 27 degrees in Pisces, which will indicate an area in your life more affected of this moon. Enjoy the magic of Pisces! ~ Christine K.H ~ |
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January 2025