Open the Channel: What should I think of when working with spirit? Is it safe, and how do I recognize the pure signal from spirit? When we start our spiritual path, we often feel overwhelmed by our own emotions and surrounding energies, but there are ways to work them! Tonight, we will learn about the 7 Chakras, energy zones not only resonating with different aspects of our human self and age, but how they can be portals assisting your spiritual and personal growth.
Discusses common spiritual experiences and steps, and how to - Open the Channel! Guided group exercise is included. |
The Soul & The Human: What exactly is a soul? Where in my body is the soul? Are my thoughts, feelings and personality - man or soul? Soul means YOU. You may think that you are the body, but your body is not your identity, the soul is your identity. Just like when you drive a car, you occupy your car. You don't say "I'm the car". The body is like your car, while the soul is the fuel and driver. You cannot see the soul because the soul is subtle, but its presence can be felt because the body works. So which signals come from the human self and which come from this invisible presence? Discusses the two aspects of our being - The Soul & The Human! Includes a guided meditation!
Pathways of a Medium: Can anyone become a medium? What is the difference between a Medium and a Psychic, a Mental, Trance- and Physical Medium? The great mediums of the past and present all spiritualized their mediumship, and to understand and express the emotions of another soul, they first understood and expressed their own. The role of the medium is to encourage personal development and growth in others, which will pave way for a deeper and richer relationship with the spirit world. if you are on the path to develop any aspects of Mediumship, this meetup offers plenty of time for Q & A's. Christine is a Trance Medium, trained in the UK and has been participating in several seances with Physical Mediums. Fascinating stories will be shared!
The Power of Thought: How does our thoughts, emotions and actions manifest in our reality? Does the power of thought apply both collectively as well as to ourselves, and how? Research has consistently shown that the majority of thoughts, which the average person experience, are actually negative. Given the power of thoughts, a small increase in the percentage of positive thoughts can have a profound impact on our lives and the world we live in. Join us this evening as we try to unfold the meaning of life events and if there's a way to change frequency in order to change our reality? Analyzing the power pf prayers and affirmations, their signs on Earth and how the Spirit realm may see this. Includes a guided -meditation.
Healing - The Divine Link: The cure of the part should not be attempted without treatment of the whole. There is no cure of the body without the Soul.” PLATO
Healing is a spiritual process which encompasses the whole being. When the soul is truly touched deep inner healing and personal transformation can occur, leading to a harmonizing of the body and mind with the spirit within. Join us this evening to discuss; Healing Guides - Spiritual Healing - Self-Healing - Healing through Colors/Sound/Aroma and Nature, as well as how we can work with energies in diverse ways to create the optimum environment. Includes a guided healing meditation. |
Demonstration of Trance Mediumship!
Curious about Trance Mediumship, to witness the Spirit World through direct voice, and to be able to feel and see the spiritual power? We now have 3 videos available from online seances 2020. 60 minutes - 1 video $10, then $1 off on each video you add in the same order (can be combined with videos from the Soul Community). Order through email: [email protected] |