Matchmaking with the Stars - Astrology Kiss or Diss?
Does this sound familiar? ”We understand each other so well, it´s like one mind” or “I do not understand what planet this person comes from". The stars can provide much insight about ourselves, including how, when, and with whom we are most likely to fall in love with. However, astrology is not destiny, so while the one you love may not be a classic match for you in astrological terms, that doesn't mean all is lost and don't forget – even opposites can attract.
Based on the amount of a certain element in our personal horoscope, we tend to get along better with some and not at all with others. A complete astrological analyses on a relationship includes several components but for now let's focus on how the the sun signs get along.
Guidelines - sun signs
Fire and air are compatible. The active fire person adores the several ideas coming from the talkative air person. Opposite, the air person admires the drive and spark in the fire person, so lots of laughter in this team.
Water and earth are compatible. The emotional water person gets grounded by the stable earth person, which they need from time to time. Opposite, the less sensitive earth person tends to open up playing with a water person, so a win - win situation.
Air and water struggles a bit due to the individuals often feel torn between the intellectual and emotional side of life. These two don´t really become the closest of friends, satisfied with mutual respect - tops.
Air and earth are said to be incompatible while the differences lies between the abstract thinking and the practical. However, they do tend to get along just fine and one answer might be that they share some ruling planets (Venus and Mercury).
Fire and water, here comes drama. Where emotions meet passion and with the absence of at times logical thinking, sparks can fly all over the place. This could be a real nice show to watch though.
Fire and earth, even if said incompatible this combination could provide the most productive cooperation. The earth person provides a solid strength to the self-assertive fire person. Opposite, the fire person can kick start the hard working and productive earth person.
Fire signs: Aries – Leo – Sagittarius Air signs: Gemini – Libra - Aquarius Earth signs: Taurus – Virgo – Capricorn Water signs: Cancer – Scorpio - Pisces
God and goddess attraction - Venus & Mars
Venus in your birth horoscope shows how you love and lust, what makes you happy and in what way creativity shines through you. This is the Goddess energy, the sign she occupies in your horoscope will simply show how you channel her. Venus placement in a man's horoscope shows the romantic image he has of a woman.
Mars in your birth horoscope shows how you take action in life. Mars is mostly associated with the basic body, therefor our sexual desires come under the rule of Mars, whereas our romantic attraction is ruled by Venus. This is the warrior energy, the sign shows how you channel him. Mars’ placement in a female horoscope shows the man she is attracted to.
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